Thursday, April 07, 2005

My 2 cents on 50 Cent

I read the Billboard Charts religiously every week. I like to see who's selling, who's on top, who's flopping, what people are buying, etc. I mean, seeing as this is the industry I'm going to be in, this is a practical thing 2 do. What isn't practical 2 me is who IS selling these days. 50 cent has been flying off the shelf at an unprecedented rate. His latest album has been number 1 for 5 weeks, he has four songs in the top ten, something that hasn't been done since The Beatles, and he shows no signs of slowing down.

Ok. Hip hop is big. I get it. I like hip hop, not as much as I used to, but I'm down with a hot infectious groove and some flow, u know? There are a lot of indie hip hop artists out there whose shit is tight and so much better than most of the crap on the radio right now. Which leads me to my question ... what's so special about 50 Cent? His ryhmes are forgettable. His beats are unoriginal and all sound the same. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I just don't get it. Being inspired by hip hop myself, I know when it's good and his shit is just ... aiiright. It's not bad, but it's FAR from being great. Yet, he is like the second coming of Eminem right now. It's wild. And it's ALL u hear on the radio.

Well, that's one reason I no longer listen to the radio. Their playlists suck. Some of the best artists out right now will never be heard by the masses, while mediocrity clutters up the airwaves.

And speaking of Eminem, it's time to evolve. I liked his first album, LOVED the second one, the Marshal Mathers LP (his masterpiece in my opinion), but then it got old because he stuck to the same formula. I know , I know, u stick to a winning formula to bring home the bacon, but 2 cds later and it's still sounding all the same and is now sounding uninspired. But hey, he's still selling millions and I'm still working a day job trying to just sell 100, much less 1000. So, maybe cookie-cutter music is the way to go. Maybe it doesn't pay 2 be 'different' right now. Then again, I've always been the odd child in life, so I guess my music would be no different, LOL.

If you haven't heard my music yet, why not buy a CD right here? If you don't like it, send it back to me and I'll send you your money back. Don't get anymore ironclad than that!

Well, kiddies, that's my rant 4 the day.

"I'll take u 2 the candy shop." - 50 Cent ... who the hell does he think he is, Willy Wonka??


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